How It's Really Going with Shana Recker

121. 4 Elements Your Freebie Needs for Maximum Success!

Shana Recker Season 3 Episode 121

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Creating a free offer for your following so you can grow your email list? Here are 4 elements that every OPT-IN needs to be successful. I share my thoughts on this to help you grow your email list!

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Speaker 1:

Hey everyone, welcome to the dream Hustle podcast, this show that shares authentic and unfiltered advice on how to build and grow a successful dream business online. I'm your host Shana recker. I'm a business and online entrepreneur and I love helping women bust through the fears and find the strategies to make their dream business come to life. My guests and I keep everything super real here for you guys with our stories and tips for success. So let's dig into today's episode. Hey everyone, welcome to this quick minute with Shayna happy Monday. I'm a little late to the game today. I have to admit I have been a lot less, uh, active on social and uh, stuff in the last week or so. I think it's been a combination of some of the fun and um, just working on a couple projects and, and just needing some time to step away. So I am here today though. I am actually on my way to pick up some stuff or my, uh, awesome accelerator student who's coming into town on Wednesday. And, uh, my name is Jake and I'm excited to be working with her right in person and clothes and two days of just all I, uh, working on her business together. And if you're not familiar with what my accelerator program is, it is, um, it is a two day intensive. So basically what I normally teach over my 12 week group coaching program, the Dream Hustle School, um, I do it, we basically do everything together over two days. So we're together for just over 16 hours and we tackle all the projects that need to be completed to build that solid foundation for your business, uh, over a two day period. And, and a lot of that time that we're together, I'm doing a lot of the work for you and showing you how, so that when you leave the two day intensive, um, you have the foundation for your business, but you also know how to make changes and adjustments and things because you know, as much as we want everything to be finalized in the, in the two days that we're together, we know that there's, you know, oftentimes we need to tweak things. I have, I'm still tweaking things in my business four years later. So I teach you how to make some of those tweaks and things as well. I like to make sure that my students are empowered with the no house so that they're not dependent upon other people when it comes to building their foundations for their business, that they don't have to necessarily hire everything out. Even though I did believe in having assistants and people to tackle some of the tasks that are maybe not our favorite or that we're just not best served in. Um, or we can use our time, you know better. But it is also good to have some knowhow in those areas. So long story short, Jake is coming on a Tuesday night and she's gonna be with me all day Wednesday and all day Thursday and I am so to help her get her business up and running it into the outside world. So stay tuned to social media at Shannon wrecker on Instagram for that cause I will be documenting the process as we go through it. And if you are interested in something like that and you're looking for that kind of quick turnaround when it comes to your business, let me know. Send me a message in my DM on Instagram or you can email me yet Shana is that Shayna, and I'd be happy to send you the details. I'm piloting this program right now for 2019 and once I have it all sorted out and once I've done a few of them, I've got a couple of them under my belt. I will officially be making it a program for 2019 but the price will go up. Um, so I, right now I'm offering my accelerator at a discount, um, because I'm learning and I want to make sure that I've got it right so that I can really nail these out in, in the, in the new year. So make sure you message me if you're interested in learning more about that. Okay. So that is not what I wanted to talk to you about today though. I wanted to chat with you guys today about, um, your email list and about your opt-ins. And I've done a couple of podcasts on this before. So go back into the archives. You can look in and see a look for something on opt-ins or freemiums. Uh, I think I called it an optin and I'll put it in the show notes. I'll link to the episode that I did, but I want to talk to you guys today about four key elements that need to be in your free opt-ins, your free downloads that you offer your clients or your prospects who are finding you on social media or coming across your website or your Facebook page and you want to engage them into your content so that you can show them what you know and see if you guys are a fit for each other. And that's why we call it an opt in or a freemium. It's basically free information, free content that people have to exchange their email address for in order to get the content. And it's basically the beginning of your, you know, customer value journey as what I've learned to call it through some of the masterminds and things that I've been a part of and is a value journey. Because basically what you want to do is give tons of free value, tons of free value to your clients, to your prospects so that you can build, know, like, and trust with them so that they can see the way that you train. They can see the information that you offer, they can see the value that you give and in exchange, um, by you giving that free content, they're going to give you their information so that you can continue to connect with them and continue to offer that free value. And then when the time is right, you can offer them your paid products and services. And what I like about the free opt-ins or the freemiums, um, there's lots of different names for them. But, um, what I like about having one of these in your business is that it qualifies not only you, to your prospects so that you can show the value that you give. And they can see if you're a fit for them or not, but it also qualifies your prospects for you if you do your opt in, right. If you market your opt in correctly, you're going to be getting prospects that are are fit for you because no people aren't going to sign up for your optin or your freemium if they don't want it or need the information. So if you, if you use these four elements that I'm going to share with you in your Freebie and your often, you're also qualifying your prospects as people that you're going to want to work with. If you, if you target it to the your niche, then pretty much only people who are in your niche are going to sign up for it. And that's going to create an email list of prospects who are interested in what it is that you do and what it is that you offer. So let's talk about these four key elements that I truly believe every optin freemium, a download, whatever you want to call it, I'm going to call it, I'm going to call it opt in for this. Rest of this podcast. Um, these are four elements that your opt in needs to provide and have a in order to best qualify your prospects as part of your niche and also qualify you as the expert in your field. So number one for my note takers, if you'd like to write down letters or numbers, number one is you need a captivating headline. You need to have a headline that not only that you use on your often, but that you use on the landing page for your optin. And this headline is going to qualify who your opt in is for and what the transformation is. So it doesn't have to be super long, it just needs to really captivate what the transformation you're offering in this free document is. And it's got to be seen like it's gotta be the first thing that people see. Because the thing is, is online, if you're doing Facebook ads to your update or you're posting it on social media or you're talking about it in your stories, your instastories and stuff, your transformation, your transformation has to be very clear. And you have to be able to say it quickly and get it in front of their eyes quickly. Because there are so many distractions in the online space, so many distractions. So if they don't, if it's taking someone forever to figure out what your opt in is about and who it's for, then you're going to lose them. So if your opt in is how, if you're, let's say you're somebody who offers a health transformation, right? So let's say you do weight loss, you know, um, for women over 50, let's say that's your target market and you have, um, a recipe book and it's protein shakes and it's all these protein shakes that have super food ingredients that help women over 50 boost their metabolism and lose weight. So the transformation is, is they're going to lose weight and your niche is women over 50. So you could your, your headline or your, your headline or your, your, your opt in, the name of this opt in is going to be, you know, five protein shakes to help women over 50 lose weight fast. Okay. So that might not be exactly what you say, but if you can, I'm trying to make the point very clear that headline is a, if I'm the ideal client and I see that quickly, five protein shakes that I can make to help me lose weight fast and I'm over 50, like I instantly know. That's for me. If I have a weight issue and I'm over 50 and I want to get healthy and I see that, I instantly know it's for me. Okay. But if it was, um, five super foods to put in your protein shake, as much as that's a great title, it doesn't necessarily specify the niche and the transformation. Like I, if I don't know what a superfood is or maybe I don't drink protein shakes, then that's going to be a problem. I'm probably not going to want to download it. But if I'm over 50 and I want to lose weight and I see that there's five protein shake recipes that I can make to help me lose weight quickly, like I'm gonna opt into that even if I'm not a protein shake drinker. Because guess what? I want to lose weight quickly. That's the transformation. And so I'm going to opt into that because I want to know the secret to losing weight quickly. So and so just apply that to whatever your niche is, is what is the transformation? How can you get that down into a few words and how can you specify those, that transformation to your audience as specify your niche and specify the transformation and get that into a headline that is not super wordy, but that can catch someone's attention quickly. So that's number one. The second thing that needs to be in your often is the actual transformation. And the transformation has to be something that's going to give them a quick win. So what can you offer somebody quickly that they can do right away after reading your optin and experience that transformation? So in the instance of the protein shakes, after reading that document, I could literally go into my kitchen if I had all the ingredients and make that shake and see how delicious, delicious and easy it was. And then within a few days of drinking these shakes, I'm probably gonna notice a little bit of maybe some weight loss, right? So that one may take a little bit longer to get into the transformation. But another example is my own often that I have right now, which is my become an Ige TV superstar. So I teach people in my often how to use Instagram TV and how to use it easily. So I'll give them a step by step guide on how they can set up their iPhone and record their first video, what should be in their video, how to do the cool little cover page. And I teach them all that in my opt in. So when they're done reading my in, they could literally go and take action right away and create their first IGT video. And so I'm giving them the information they need in a quick win. And the transformation is, Hey, I've never done something like this before, but she made it seem so easy. And I did it. And I realized that I'm not so scared of actually doing videos and Igg TV anymore because I'm afraid because I don't know how. So I'm showing them how, so I'm giving them the confidence, the transformation is the confidence and showing up in a platform that maybe you've never used before. And I even give them why, why do they need to be on that platform and how they're going to reach more people when they start using that platform. And so that is my free opt in. And that's the transformation that I offer people. And so I teach them how to become a superstar on a, on a new social media platform. Right? And so that's, that's the transformation that somebody can do right away. I've downloaded advise opt-ins before that have been 2030 pages and I've never touched them because it's been too much to read. It's been too, like the transformation isn't quick. I haven't, you know, I just don't have the time for it. So you wanna make sure that your transformation is something that can happen fairly quickly. It's going to be valuable, but it can also be done quickly. So what is your ideal clients struggling with? What is one element of something that they're struggling with that you can give them information to help them get through that and then, um, put that into a document. And maybe it's not a pdf document. Maybe it's a recording, maybe it's a video recording. Um, I know people who've done created meditations as free downloads. Um, I know people who have created a video series, so maybe it's a three video series. I know like lots of people who use Canva and create PDFs of documents, um, you know, solution-based lists, kind of documents, worksheets, things like that, that they can give away for free and, uh, and give people a quick win and an exchange for their email address. So that's number two. Number three is you need to, after you provide them the transformation, you need to, um, show them what's next, where, where, what do they need to do next? Do they need to go check out your website? Do they need to go follow you on Instagram? Do they need to um, you know, sign up for something else? Is there a small mini offer that they should be getting? A trip wire is what we call it, which is like a small, like small course of$29 offer. Something that you can, or a$9 offer, an ebook or is there something that you can provide them? What's the next step once I've done this, what's next? Is it a call that they need to book with you? You know, for me it's like, Hey, once you've mastered Insta or mastered IGT, d do you want to be showing up on other platforms? You want to be marketing your businesses in, in a, in a, in a more impactful way. Let's set up a call. Let's see how I can help support you on your journey. You know, or maybe it's a, it's a supplementary program. If you'd liked, if you found this helpful than my full program that offers, you know, x, Y and Z on top of what you just learned here is going to be even better. Here's a link. And you wanna make sure that that is in your optin. That's your next step, where to find you next, where to go next. Don't just stop at at the document and be like, okay, I'm glad you got a transformation. See you later. Right? It's like, go find me here. Go follow me here. Go look at this thing. Go, you know, check out this or book a call. What's the next touch point with you? And that's going to be, that's definitely absolutely necessary it to have in your option. I have that usually on the back page. Sometimes you can even put it in the front if you want to capture them right away, like something like, Hey, by the way, when you're done with this, make sure you go check out this. And so that they see that. So you want to have that somewhere in your optin, whatever those next steps are, you want to keep the conversation going. You know, maybe it's, maybe that's what it is. Maybe it's, Hey, I would love to hear your feedback on this. You know, here's my free Facebook group. Make sure you add yourself, introduce yourself. Let us know what you thought of this. Right. And then number four, the fourth thing that needs to be in place for your free opt in is your email sequence. So once they opt into your document, you need to have an email sequence and nurture sequence in place. And I would say a minimum of four emails that you're going to continue to connect with your new often member, your new prospect on your email list from the minute they sign up. So for the minute they sign up there for their file, for the document, you have an email that's going to deliver the document. Then you're going to have an email that says, hey, you know, did you see this part in this document? Like this was like my favorite part, or this is what most people love. Or this is what most people struggle with the most. And here's an extra tip or an extra thing about this. So you want to have that as your second email. Your third email could be, hey, you know, let's get to know each other better. Here's my story. You know, here's who I am. I'd love to hear more about you, like reply to this email, share your story. I'd love to, you know, again, create the conversation and then email for could be a reminder of what their next steps are. I know it's in your document, but not everybody sees it. And a lot of times people print things out and set them aside, right? So email number four could be the reminder of the next steps where, where do they need to go? What's the next thing for them? What do you want them to look at? Is there a special offer that you have for them? So what, what does that look? So that would be email number four. So when you're creating your opt in, you want to make sure, first of all it has a catchy headline that it has something that speaks your headline, speaks to your ideal client and the transformation you want to make sure that it has a quick transformation is that your opt in actually is a quick easy to follow transformation. So whatever it is that you're sharing content wise, you want to make sure that it's easy for people to follow. You want to make sure that it has next steps, like in the actual document itself. Where do you want them to go? Do you want them to book a call? Do you want them to follow you on Instagram? What are the next steps for your, your prospect to go to? And then number four is you want to make sure that you have an email sequence in place, a nurture sequence that is going to um, you know, continually build the relationship through your inbox. And the other reason you want that email sequence is that it gets your prospects comfortable in your name showing up in their inbox, right? So now they feel, um, they feel comfortable with, with your emails coming in, they're getting used to it. And so that's the other reason why you want that nurture sequence is you want them to recognize your name and get comfortable with you in their inbox. So those are the four things that you want to make sure that you have in place as you are creating your free opt-ins. And I truly believe no matter what industry you're in, whether it's network marketing or your own coaching business, um, that or online selling widgets on Etsy or whatever, that you should have something in place that helps you build an email list and an email list of prospects, not just current clients are in PR, emails or prospects who, um, maybe aren't ready to buy something right away. But as you get to nurture them through your emails and get, you know, build that know, like, and trust through your optin that when it's time to launch your next product or your coaching course or Your Group coaching program that you're talking to people who are already qualified as interested in what it is that you have to offer. And I'll tell you more, more people purchase big items, especially from your email list than they do from social media. So you want to move your followers to your email list. And so that's what the opt in is for. Cause you can be talking about your optin everywhere. Um, you can talk about it on your instastories, you can talking about it in your posts. You can be talking about it in your blogs. Put links to your opt in everywhere. And cause the thing is is we don't own our followers. You guys, I'm sure you've heard me say that before. We don't own our followers, which is why we need to have an email list so that we have people we can talk to even if our Instagram or our social media followers went away. And so it's so, so important to make sure that you have something in place. And this is one of the foundations that I teach or one of the pillars that I teach in the seven pillars of creating your online business, which is my new, uh, foundation course for those beginning stage entrepreneurs where I teach you how to build the foundation for your business. And I teach you how to build the opt in. And I show you all the steps in the software and all the things and um, so that you can get that email list in place cause it's so, so important. So you guys, that's it for me today. Thanks for joining. I recorded this in my car, so I hope the sound is okay. My husband gets on me for the sound when I'm doing these things on the Co. He's my editor and, uh, unfortunately my iPod just delivered my airpods deliver as much sound as it possibly can. But, um, I know that it's hard, but this one, I just wanted to crush it while I was driving because it was on my mind. It was on my heart and I wanted to share this info with you. So if you are somebody who is looking for help on how to build a foundation for your business to get those pieces and parts up and running, and you're looking for help, whether it's my accelerator program, My Fall Group coaching program, or if you want just to DIY yourself and you want to be a part of that seven pillars of creating your online business. And, uh, you know, just learn on your own as, as, as you want, at a pace that's comfortable for you. Um, any one of those things. You guys, you can find information about that either DME at Sheena, recurrent Instagram, um, or it's on my website,[inaudible] dot com, and if there's something you not seeing and you wanna know more, just send, just send me a message, I'll be happy to help you, um, get you the information you need. But, um, I hope that you found this[inaudible] valuable today. You guys, if he knows somebody who needs to hear this podcast, you know what to do, take a screenshot of it, shared your instastories, send it directly to them. Um, you guys, I, my mission is to help as many female entrepreneurs, you know, build their dream business online and to, to, to, to just start doing the things they love and live on and live their passion live on purpose. And I do that through my programs. And if you know somebody who's in that space of trying to figure it out, send them this episode. Hopefully this helps and I hope you guys have an amazing, an amazing week. We'll talk to you soon. Until next time. Bye for now.

Speaker 2:


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